
Showing posts from December, 2021

Develop Spring boot REST API in AWS - PART 4/4 (CodePipeline / CI CD)

This is the last video (part4) in this demo series. We will demonstrate how to create the whole CICD pipeline in this tutorial video. It involves the following steps: (1)  Create CodePipeline (2) Add build stage to pipeline (3) Add deploy stage to pipeline (4) Add manual approval step to pipeline Thank for watching! Source Code:

Develop Spring boot REST API in AWS - PART 3/4 (CodeDeploy / Blue Green Deployment)

In this video tutorial (part3), I have demonstrate the blue/green deployment of  the Spring boot REST API.  I will show you the the following steps in the demonstration: (1)  02:12 Create IAM role (2)  04:07 Create an Application Load Balancer (3)  07:27 Create Security Group For ECS cluster (4)  09:09 Create ECS cluster (5)  11:24 Create Task Definition (6)  14:00 Create ECS Service (7)  17:53 Create CodeDeploy In the next part, I will demonstrate the whole CI/CD pipeline.

Develop Spring boot REST API in AWS - PART 2/4 (ECS Cluster)

In this video tutorial (part2), we continue to explore developing spring boot REST API on AWS. We will focus on ECS in this part. It involves the following steps: (1) AWS ECS Basic  (2) ECS Cluster demo (3) ECS Task Definition demo (4) ECS Service demo Thank for watching! In the next part, I will discuss the CodeDeploy. Source Code:

Develop Spring boot REST API in AWS - PART 1/4 (CodeBuild + ECR)

This is a demo (part 1) of developing spring boot REST API in AWS. It involves the following steps:   (1) Coding of Spring Boot REST API.   (2) Creating Repository in AWS ECR.   (3) Building with AWS CodeBuild.   (4) Pushing docker image to AWS ECR.    In the next part, I will discuss about ECS cluster, ECS service and ECS task. Source Code: