
Showing posts from October, 2024

Installing Code-server with EC2 and Podman (integrate with Cognito) (PART 2)

Integrating Amazon Cognito User Pool with Code-Server on EC2 and Podman (PART 2) Table of Contents 1. Background 2. Proposed Solution: Integrating Amazon Cognito 3. Architecture Diagram 4. Create Cognito User Pool 5. Setup ALB 6. Testing of Setup 7. Other Useful AWS Services 8. Conclusion and Summary 1. Background In a previous article , I walked through the installation of code-server on an EC2 instance using Podman . While this setup is functional, it has some significant drawbacks when it comes to security: Single Password Authentication : The code-server relies on a single password stored in a configuration file. This is not a secure or scalable method to manage authentication. Lack of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) : The setup does not support MFA, increasing the risk of unauthorized access. Limited Security Controls : Advanced security features such as user ma...

Installing Code-Server with Podman on AWS EC2 (PART 1)

Installing Code-Server with Podman on AWS EC2 This guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing and running code-server using Podman on an AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance. Code-server allows you to run VS Code on a remote server and access it through a browser. Table of Contents Background Why Podman? Possible Use Cases and Architecture Prerequisites Installation Steps Important Notes Testing Security Considerations Troubleshooting Conclusion and Summary Background Code-server is an open-source project that enables developers to run Visual Studio Code (VS Code) on a remote server. This setup is particularly useful for developers who want to access their development environment from anywhere, using just a browser. Podman is a container management tool that is gaining popularity. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up code-server on an AW...