
Showing posts from November, 2024

Guide to Deploy Multiple WordPress Sites on EC2 with Podman

Deploying Multiple WordPress Sites on EC2 Using Podman: Step-by-Step Guide Table of Contents Background Possible Architecture Setup EC2 and Podman Creating Configuration Files for WordPress and MySQL Creating Podman Compose File and Environment Variables Testing and installation of Wordpress Setting Up ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) Setting Up ALB (Application Load Balancer) Setting Up Security Group for the EC2 Conclusion and Summary 1. Background Podman is a lightweight, open-source container management tool that runs containers without a background daemon. Its efficiency and security make it ideal for deploying containerized applications on AWS EC2. It is especially good for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking a cost-effective solution. In this guide, I’ll use Podman to deploy multiple WordPress sites on an Ubuntu EC2 instance. Reasons to Use Podman...