Creating Spring Boot MVC application with AWS DynamoDB in 10 mins

AWS DynamoDB DB is a serverless NOSQL database. You can understand how to build a spring boot Java web MVC application (Game Leaderboard) reading a AWS DynamoDB in 10 mins. Source of the demo code: Command to run the project: mvn spring-boot:run Video explain the table design: Prerequisite: Install the AWS CLI: Video explain the how to create the table:

Welcome to Programming Peacefully!

I am an information technology professional from Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, it is so ridiculous that many IT professionals do not like programming. I had even heard that some analyst programmers said that they "hate" programming. Many of them will go to the area of project management and their technical skills may become outdated. 

I keep this blog just want to share some of my experience in software development and to exchange knowledge from technology lovers all over the world. If you think that my programme is written badly, please feel free to comment on it. I always want to get improvement on my technical skills :).

Apart from programming, I also love music. I like to play a musical instrument called "Ukulele". If you are interest in it, we can also share something about ukulele in this blog. :)

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